Currently browsing posts tagged Fitness

Nipika Mountain Resort

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Nipika is a Ktunaxa word meaning a higher power. It is a sacred term for the Ktunaxa, referring specifically referring to the spirit of the grizzly bear. A spirit can not be killed, the grizzly bear can no the pushed around, it is thought of as an ubiquitous spirit. Nipika Mountain Resort is truly a special place to be able to visit there is a 100km of ski trail groomed regularly by the small team running the resort. In the 3 days our group spent…

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CORE Strength Improves Mobility

Saturday, June 13, 2020

    strength/streNG(k)TH/noun – the quality or state of being physically strong. mo·bil·i·ty/mōˈbilədē/noun – the ability to move or be moved freely and easily. flex·i·bil·i·ty/ˌfleksəˈbilədē/noun – the quality of bending easily without breaking. Why is Core Strength Important? A stable core allows better mobility of your extremities. You will find yourself 40% stronger. You will be able to move more efficiently, fatiguing less quickly. All of these factors will lead to less chance of injury. Why is it important to have a full Range of…

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Importance of Core Strength for Climbing and Athletic Performance

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Core strength is vital for all-around athletic performance and remains one of the most important aspects to improving your climbing ability. A weak core can leave you susceptible to lower back pain and muscle injuries. Despite an emphasis on grip strength, improving your core strength remains equally as important. In our post on ‘5 Key Core Exercises’, we went over things that you can do practically anywhere. This time we’d like to go into more detail about your core, how to incorporate core strength exercises into…

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Parents — Fitness in Your Life

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Routine  Parents, if you’re anything like me when I had small children, your day goes something like this. 6:00 – get up, get self-ready for work 7:00 – wake kids, get them ready for daycare 7:30 – maybe get breakfast into some or all of us if the kids found their favourite clothes and got dressed willingly and quickly 7:45 – out the door, daycare drop off 8:00 – make it work on time if the kids found their friends at daycare and managed…

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Adventure Woman – Lisa Hunka

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Lisa grew up on the Alberta prairies. In her younger adult years she discovered her passion in the Rocky Mountains, with backpacking, mountaineering and climbing. Lisa recalls at an early age receiving a treasured gift,  a pair of cross country skis. Growing up in the heart of the prairies this was one of her first introductions to a sport that would lead her to play in the mountains. Her first career had her very much in the outdoors. After completing her degree in forestry, she…

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Recovering from Injuries

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Getting injured is terrible, even when you get injured doing something you love.  Recovering from injuries can be straightforward.  Medical science has many ways to help us heal our bodies.  But even when the body has fully healed, the mind may hold on.  This is the story of how I got injured last September and the mental side of my recovery. The Fourth Bolt I clip the fourth bolt and breath deeply.  This is the place.  I’m about 15 meters off the ground and the climbing has…

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Paula’s 5 Favourite Core Exercises

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Defining Body Core Core is not just a 6 pack abs the above picture illustrates most of the full core well, your core is from you hips/thighs to your shoulders. These muscles help us hold our posture proper all day long, sitting standing and other positions. Some of these muscles also assist greatly in our balance and stability ALL DAY long, some of them help us move. Core strength is important in daily living as well as super important in sport, endurance sport is no…

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Ski Traverse Training – Haute Route

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Spring 2016 I’ve signed up for a spring 2017 ski traverse, in Europe, out of my comfort zone, where do I begin, when do I start commitment to training. Summer 2016 I was extremely active mountain biking and climbing, leaving me with a solid base to get started on ski specific training. My cardio fitness was strong and my movement and climbing strength was strong, not that I would expect to need to rock climb on this traverse, we are skiing, right…turns out 2017 was…

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How to get Fit for Mountain Climbing

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Are you planning to climb a mountain this year?  Whether you’ve chosen a local peak or you’re planning to travel to climb a far off peak, you know you need to be fit.  It’s very disheartening to climb partway up, realize you don’t have the fitness you need to get to the top and have to turn around.  It’s even worse to get to the top exhausted and then get injured on the way down because your legs have turned to wet noodles. So what’s…

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To Roll or Not to Roll…

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Foam rolling is a popular form of self-myofascial (myomuscle, fascia-soft connecting tissue) release, using a tool (foam roller, ball). The initial benefits are short term (10 minutes). With use of two weeks or greater, the benefits will be longer term. Just like working on improving one’s fitness, when you do the activity twice a week you can maintain your level. When you do the activity three times a week you will see gains, this guideline also applies to foam rolling. When done effectively foam rolling can…

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