The fitness you need for the adventure you crave.
You complete a questionnaire - you’ll tell us about what you’d like to train for, your current health and fitness, and your schedule, so we’ll know how much time you have to train.
We’ll design your personalized program.
You'll download the True Coach app that works on your phone or computer. True Coach will allow you to see your program, log your workouts, provide feedback for us on how your workouts are going and allow us to see your progress.
Once a week, we’ll check in, either through email, texts, True Coach or Messenger, whatever works best for you. We’ll talk about your progress and tweak your program to keep you on track and ensure your program is working for you.
We will send your training program to you via True Coach. This is a web based software designed for trainers to track their clients' workouts, fitness metrics and results. That will allow you to view your program either through your web browser or on a free app through your smart phone, giving you freedom to have your workout with you wherever you choose to train.
Most of our programs include 2 to 3 cardiovascular training sessions each week that you can complete using a variety of indoor or outdoor activities, 2 to 4 strength training sessions that you can do at home with minimal equipment or where you prefer to train, and a long cardio endurance session that may involve hiking with a weighted backpack. Strength training sessions include work on balance, agility and proprioceptive fitness needed for mountain activities. A sample strength training session is included below.