strength/streNG(k)TH/noun – the quality or state of being physically strong.
mo·bil·i·ty/mōˈbilədē/noun – the ability to move or be moved freely and easily.
flex·i·bil·i·ty/ˌfleksəˈbilədē/noun – the quality of bending easily without breaking.
Why is Core Strength Important?
A stable core allows better mobility of your extremities.
You will find yourself 40% stronger.
You will be able to move more efficiently, fatiguing less quickly.
All of these factors will lead to less chance of injury.
Why is it important to have a full Range of Motion (ROM) in your joints?
You will have greater mobility of your arms and legs.
Mobility is the base of control over your movement.
How can you achieve greater mobility or ROM?
You can achieve greater mobility by getting your joints moving.
Doing mobility work before you start your strength workout. “Motion is Lotion.” ~Randy Zabukovec
Getting your mobility work in before building strength will teach your body to move in the new ROM leading you to safer movement.
Like practicing CPR properly, moving properly in your workout will allow you to move properly on the trail.
Ideally you should be doing mobility work almost daily.
If you are looking for a class to improve your mobility join our Couch to Trailhead program, every Friday this is our focus. Every workout starts with some mobility work in the warm up in this virtual program.
Core Strength and Mobility go together!